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Deschutes County Rural Enterprise Zone

Approved in April 2008, the Deschutes County Rural Enterprise Zone (E-Zone) encompasses the City of La Pine and Bend Airport. The Rural E-zone offers traded-sector employers (companies that sell goods or services outside the local area and expand its economic base) and other eligible companies three (3) to fifteen (15) year property tax exemptions on certain new capital investments that create jobs in the designated areas. The zone is sponsored by Deschutes County and the City of La Pine and is managed by Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO). Only new facilities or improvements not yet on the tax roll are eligible for this tax incentive.
Standard Abatement
This economic development incentive offers 100% property tax relief on normally assessed significant new plant and/or equipment. Abatement lasts for three years after the property has been placed in service.
Extended Abatement
Local sponsors may extend the standard exemption to four or five consecutive years if the qualifying company creates jobs compensated at 150% of Deschutes County’s average annual wage.
Long-Term Rural Enterprise Zone
An additional provision allows zone sponsors to exempt larger scale projects for a period of 7 to 15 years. 7 to 15 consecutive years of full relief from property taxes on new facility property, once permitted for use and occupancy. With the Governor's approval, credit equal to 62.5% of gross payroll against state corporate excise (income) taxes. (Credits received over a five- to 15-year period, and each credit may be carried forward for five succeeding years.)
For more information click the link below or contact Roger Lee, Area Economic Development Manager at (541) 604-4095.