Parks and Recreation

Indoor and Outdoor Classes and Activities for All Ages

The La Pine Park and Recreation District offers affordable indoor and outdoor opportunities for residents of all ages. Activities include after-school and summer programs for youth, adult education courses, and a full calendar for senior citizens. The district also manages 85 square miles of land and works to conserve La Pine’s natural resources and beauty.  For camping and other outdoor recreation check out Rosland Campground by clicking here.

Youth Enrichment

Youth can participate in a unique enrichment opportunities through Camp Fire Central Oregon. Though not affiliated with the Park and Recreation District, Camp Fire Central Oregon offers Camp Fire Afterschool to students in Grades K-5 in the La Pine community. For more information, click here.

Adult Education

Adult residents of La Pine can choose from an impressive schedule of credit and non-credit education courses offered in partnership with COCC, La Pine and Sunriver Public Library, SHARC, Sunriver Resort, COIC, and DCHC. Whether you need a little Spanish for an upcoming vacation or this is the year you will finally learn to play the guitar, click here to view all classes.

Senior Activities

Though not affiliated with the Park and Recreation District, the La Pine Senior Activity Center offers a range of classes and activities for the senior community. Seniors can socialize at regular bingo nights or special dinner dances. Classes include quilting, painting, line dancing, and more. View the calendar to explore current offerings.

For more information about the Park and Recreation District, please visit their website by clicking here.