La Pine 2045


The City of La Pine is updating its Comprehensive Plan in response to pronounced growth and development that the city has seen over the last 15 years. Today, La Pine is home to nearly 2,900 residents, but is expected to grow by 87% over the next 25 years. The La Pine 2045 Comprehensive Plan update will create strategies that will respond to rapid regional growth while preserving and improving assets like La Pine’s thriving tourism industry, distinct downtown identity, industrial opportunities, affordable housing, and important civic amenities.

In summer 2023, the City of La Pine kicked off a community visioning process to understand what community members want La Pine to be 20 years from now. Feedback from the community was used to inform the development of five (5) draft goals for the City of La Pine. These draft goals will be vetted with the community in Spring 2024, and then finalized to become the foundation of the City’s Comprehensive Plan Update. To read more about the visioning process and what we heard, click here!

Visit the La Pine 2045 website for more information on events, active surveys, and ways to get involved (link).