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FY 2025-2026 City of La Pine Budget Committee Vacancies
The City of La Pine is currently accepting applications from individuals that are interested in serving on the City of La Pine Budget Committee. This is a volunteer position.
The Budget Committee will conduct a number of meetings in the month of May. Budget Committee members are expected to attend all meetings.
The vacancies will be filled by appointment by a majority of the entire membership of the Council. Those individuals submitting applications may be asked to meet with the Council for an interview prior to the Council making an appointment. Interviews will begin after a minimum pool of qualified candidates have submitted applications.
In order to qualify for appointment, an applicant must be a registered voter and a resident of the City.
Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m. April 15, 2025. Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the City's website at www.lapineoregon.gov and click on the forms link to print an application out; or City Hall for an application to be faxed, e-mailed or mailed to you.
Please call the City Hall at 536-1432, or email Aivans@lapineoregon.gov if you have any questions. Thank you.