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Budget Committee Home
Planning for La Pine’s Financial Needs
State law requires every local Oregon government to have a budget committee. The role of this committee is to review the annual city budget and approve it or recommend changes before sending it to the city council for formal adoption. Throughout the year, members of La Pine’s Budget Committee may also be asked by the City Council to investigate city financial issues and make recommendations to the council.
Budget Committee Members
Dan Richer, Mayor
Cathi VanDamme, Council President
Mike Shields, Council Member
Courtney Ignazzitto, Council Member
Karen Morse, Council Member
Participate in the Budget Process
As a citizen of La Pine, you are encouraged to take an active role in the city’s budget process. All committee meetings are open to the public and allow time for individuals to provide input on budget matters. Before the budget is formally adopted, there will be a public hearing where you can voice your input as well.