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Sunriver/La Pine Economic Development (SLED)

Building Business Together
La Pine and Sunriver Economic Development (SLED) is a partnership between City, County, the private business sector, and Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO) to encourage economic development in South Deschutes County. The mission of La Pine Economic Development Advisory Board is to provide supportive resource capabilities to help businesses move, start and grow in the area. We work to create a healthy business environment, support a welcoming community atmosphere and encourage capital investment within the community to promote growth and sustainability
EDCO’s mission is to Move, Start, and Grow traded sector businesses to purposefully create a thriving and diverse economy. Some of the ways EDCO can offer assistance are:
- A to Z Problem Solving
- Business Financing
- Site Selection
- Business Intelligence
- Incentives Clearinghouse
- Workforce Development and Workplace Efficiency
- Local Area Business Resources
- Linking Local Stable of Experts to Local Businesses