Land Use File 05PA-23, Reed/Franchi


File ID: 05PA-23


Application Type: Two Parcel Partition 


Applicant: David Reed


Application Date: August 22, 2023


Location: 51385 Hwy 97, La Pine, OR 97739


Proposal Summary: The applicant requests a two parcel partition to divide the subject property into two lots. Parcel 1 would be 0.77 acres and Parcel 2 would be 0.26 acres. 


Proposal Status: The application was deemed complete on 9/21/2023 and a Notice of Application was sent out to relevant agencies, the Planning Commission, and property owners within 100 feet on 9/28/2023. Staff is currently writing an administrative decision on the application. Pursuant to ORS 227.180, the City has 120 days to take final action on this land use application once deemed complete. 


Public Comments: All public and agency comments are due on 10/12/2023 by 5:00pm. Please submit all comments in writing or email to the staff planner listed below. 


Staff Contact: 

Rachel Vickers, Associate Planner

(541) 280-5680


Applicant and Staff materials can be seen under Supporting Documents