Land Use File 02SUB-24, Finley Butte Ranch

File ID: 02SUB-24


Application Type: Subdivision


Applicant: Evans Property Holdings


Application Date: 5/2/2024


Location: 51035 Evans Way, La Pine, OR 97739


Proposal Summary: The applicant proposes a new 89 lot single family subdivision to be completed in 3 phases. 


Proposal Status: The application was deemed complete on June 1, 2024 and Notice of Application was sent out June 6, 2024. Per LPDC Section 15.202.020, staff has 120 days to make a final decision (September 29, 2024).


Staff Contact: 

Rachel Vickers, Associate Planner

(541) 280-5680


Applicant and Staff materials can be seen under Supporting Documents