1st Budget Committee Meeting and Community Sponsorship Presentations

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - 5:30pm

2017-2018 Budget for the City of La Pine


City Staff has been busy preparing the 2017-2018 Budget for the La Pine City Council and Budget Committee to review beginning May 2nd.  The Budget Committee will on meet at City Hall on May 2nd and May 3rd at 5:30 pm.  Organizations requesting sponsorship will be heard at the May 2nd meeting, while other budget material will be reviewed on May 3rd.  Additionally, on May 3rd the Budget Committee will hold a Public Hearing regarding the use of State Shared Revenues.

Anyone can appear at the budget committee meetings and provide input and public comment, however comment time may be limited by the chairperson in certain situations.  The Public Hearing to adopt the Budget is currently scheduled for June 14, 2017 at 5:30 pm at City Hall.

If you are interested in requesting a sponsorship, please contact City Hall at 541-536-1432 ext. 2 so we may provide you with the materials needed to be heard on May 2nd.