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Administration Staff
City Manager, Geoff Wullschlager
Geoff is the Chief Administrative Officer of the city and handles all the executive officer and business management functions for the City of La Pine. He previously held city management positions in two other communities over the span of seven years prior to his tenure with La Pine and has worked in public service for eighteen years. Geoff holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Oregon in Environmental Studies, and a Master's from Portland State University's Hatfield School of Government in Public Administration with a concentration in Public Policy. He joined the city in November 2020.
Email: gwullschlager@lapineoregon.gov
Assistant City Manager/Finance Director, Ashley Ivans
Ashley serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the city and assists the City Manager in administrative oversight and city operations. Ashley re-joined the city in 2022, and had previously worked for the organization for a period of ten years in addition to holding four years in various roles of community development and finance with Deschutes County. She holds an Associates Degree in Accounting from Central Oregon Community College.
Email: aivans@lapineoregon.gov
Public Works Director, Kelly West
Kelly serves in the role of oversight and management of the city's Public Works Department. This position is responsible for city utilities and infrastructure, construction, and capital project management, in addition to serving as key member of the city's management team. Kelly joined the city in May of 2023 and brings over sixteen years of public works experience, primarily in water and wastewater treatment and management. He holds Water Distribution/Treatment and Wastewater Collections/Treatment Certifications commensurate with requirements of the city's systems from both Oregon and Idaho.
Email: kwest@lapineoregon.gov
Principal Planner, Brent Bybee
Brent Manages the Planning and Community Development Department for the City of La Pine in addition to facilitating pre application meetings, and serves as the principal advisor to the La Pine Planning Commission. Brent is also responsible for long range planning efforts for the community. Brent held two previous appointments as a community planner for both Wasco and Crook Counties over a period of eight years before joining the city. He became part of the city staff in May of 2023. Brent holds a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Natural Resources from Oregon State University. Brent is also an experienced Wildland Firefighter.
Associate Planner, Rachel Vickers
Rachel is the primary supporting land use planner for the Planning and Community Development Department for the City of La Pine. She reviews and processes land use proposals and delivers staff review to the Planning Commission for quasi judicial and quasi legislative decisions. She came to the city after several years in an associate planner role with Deschutes County. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, and a Master's in Urban Planning with a Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation, all earned from the University of Washington. Rachel joined the city in September of 2023.
City Recorder, Amanda Metcalf
Amanda serves as the front line administrator for the city and supports functions of the Finance and Utility Departments. She previously worked with the US Veterans Administration for a period of four years and brings a number of years in the medical field to the organization. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business with a concentration in Real Estate from Sacramento State University. She joined the city in January of 2023.