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Urban Renewal Agency Seeks Applications for Board
The La Pine Urban Renewal Agency is seeking applications for two board seats that are available for appointment and/or re-appointment.
The La Pine Urban Renewal Agency is responsible for implementing the City's Urban Renewal Plan (see attached) and for oversight of beautification projects and administration of agency budget as they apply to the Urban Renewal District.
Urban Renewal revenues are derived from structures within the district, as a tax increment (or small portion of tax) that other structures in the city do not pay. This increment does not increase taxes but does incrementally reduce the revenue to all other taxing districts (by an apportionment) that have millage authority in the City, and specifically in the designated district boundaries.
Under Oregon law (ORS Chapter 457), cities can implement urban renewal districts for downtown core improvements and there is a life span to the incremental taxing authority that sunsets later. In the case of La Pine, the plan was initiated in 2014 and closes out in 2039 after a lifespan of 25 years.
Membership on the Board is an uncompensated position, and board members serve at the pleasure of the City Council. Meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. and take place at La Pine City Hall. Membership also includes 2-3 meetings each year from April through June that may be independent of regularly scheduled meetings, for budget review, approval, and adoption.
Membership requirements are as follows:
1. Citizen/Business representative living and/or owning a business located within five miles of the incorporated limits of the City of La Pine.
If you are interested, please find the Advisory Committee Application attached. These will be reviewed by the City Council at their March 26th meeting.